Your condo's "operational glue".


Smarter Work.
All in one Place.

The Online Workplace for condominium boards and property managers.

Reactive 👉 Proactive

From chaotic, to smooth sailing.

Arrow pointing from old way to new way using managemate
A red X mark.


"Didn't we just have that broken boiler repaired?"

Green check mark

Neat and Organized

Quickly find quotes, work orders and warranties.

A red X mark.


"We're paying unnecessary maintenance fees again..."

Green check mark

Tracking Budget

Schedule recurring tasks and annual events.

A red X mark.

Ineffective Hiring

"Why are we hiring the same sub-par vendor for the 3rd time?"

Green check mark

Efficient Hiring Process

Flag and vet out low-quality vendors, so you work with trustworthy vendors.

Collaboration Software for Condos

Boards + Managers 🚀

Project plans. Building history. All synced.

Consent Agenda

Save time in board meetings by knowing what needs to be ratified.

Consent Agenda

Save time in board meetings by knowing what needs to be ratified.

Building History

Informed decisions on whether repair or replace your equipment.

Project Planning

Get capital and reserve fund projects done, on time, and on budget.

Reminder System

Never forget your tasks and events, ever again.

Digital Approvals

All decisions and approvals have a place and a history.

Diarize Annual Planners

Set it and (don't) forget it.

Live Management Reports

Reprioritize work and spot issues early, well before your next board meeting.

Your condo's history

Doesn't have to be a black hole...

Green check mark

Full History

Access to the history of your Condo's past events.
Green check mark

All in one Place

Organized records for projects, vendors, invoices, and more.
Green check mark

All Digital

No more file folder dumps. And less waiting on others...

On Time, AND On Budget

Know the timing and completion for all your projects

Green check mark

Proactive Management

Keep owners happy by staying on budget.
Green check mark

Effortless Transition

Get new managers and board members up to speed in days, not months.
Green check mark


Maximize your current manager's overall productivity and efficiency.

Free and Quick

Book your Strategy Call

These calls take no longer than 15-20 minutes 👇

If time is an issue, have a go at our product tour here.

Spreadsheets are not Really Free...

Inefficiency is never free.

A red X mark.

All over the place

Having to maintain multiple systems.

A red X mark.

Running blindly

Little to no contextual information.

A red X mark.

Little inter-connectivity

Information sits in silos. Synergy between stakeholders is missing.

A quick manifesto from our Founder

Boards and managers have to make difficult decisions every day...

Hi. I'm Salim, CEO here at managemate.
Salim Dharssi's Profile Picture
I’ve been in the trenches for years as a condo owner, resident and former board member.

I get it. Chaos and overwhelm is the norm...

Reviewing quotes and recommendations from vendors we don’t know. We lost control over who does what. A constant flow of emails and projects prevents us from getting ahead and keeping things in order.

So many decisions to be made and too many projects to juggle at the same time.  So many disgruntled owners, right?

It shouldn't be this way.  Things have changed.
We can now enjoy the process of managing condos, as opposed to “just dealing with it”. The good news is that this is what we’re building here at managemate.

A smarter way to manage condos.

Salim Dharssi

A quick manifesto from our Founder

Boards and managers have to make difficult decisions every day...

Hi. I'm Salim, CEO here at managemate.
Salim Dharssi's Profile Picture
I’ve been in the trenches for years as a condo owner, resident and former board member.

I get it. Chaos and overwhelm is the norm...

Reviewing quotes and recommendations from vendors we don’t know. We lost control over who does what. A constant flow of emails and projects prevents us from getting ahead and keeping things in order.

So many decisions to be made and too many projects to juggle at the same time.  So many disgruntled owners, right?

It shouldn't be this way.  Things have changed.
We can now enjoy the process of managing condos, as opposed to “just dealing with it”. The good news is that this is what we’re building here at managemate.

A smarter way to manage condos.

Salim Dharssi

Meet Your New

Condo Cruise Control

A Centralized Workspace for Boards and Managers.

Live Statuses

Real-time updates and work statuses.

A home for all your information received from vendors and residents.

Capture Action Items

Assign action items and get updates.

Task System

Simple status tracking: To Do/Done.

Auto Updates

Daily digests and monthly outlooks, via email.

Digital Dashboard

Live Management Reports.

Calendar and Notifications

Schedule events or due dates, with in-app notifications.

Smart Checklists

Coming Soon

Templated checklists to increase efficiency and effectiveness.


Clear answers to common questions from board members and property managers.

Who is going to add information into the software?

Board members or their property managers can add information into managemate. Some boards who are more hands on will do it themselves - for example, when they receive a file attachment by email from a vendor or their manager, they can easily create a document record in managemate, linking it to that vendor, project or other record. Other condo boards will ask their property manager to add information into managemate - for example, instead of sending or forwarding information like engineering reports by email, the property manager will save the information once in managemate and can share a link to it with the board, reducing unnecessary emails.

Will this take more of my time? Is it difficult to use?

Not at all. managemate has been designed to make it easy to upload documents and save information for quick retrieval later. You will save time by avoiding digging for information in your email or waiting for your manager to find and send you records you weren’t able to find. Best of all, your property manager will save time too by receiving fewer emails from boards requesting information about the status of projects or for documents. Since everything is accessible in managemate, your manager can focus on getting work done.

Will this technology replace our property managers?

That's not our intent. Boards with property managers need them to oversee contractors, obtain quotes, monitor staff and conduct bookkeeping. But managemate condominium software will assist both boards and managers by keeping them organized and reducing time spent in emails, giving everyone more time to focus on what matters and to get work done.

How do I start using it?

Step 1. Sign up for our 45-day free trial here, then log in to your account through a web browser.
Step 2. Invite your other board members and property manager(s).
Step 3. Build up your records in managemate over time by creating project, vendor and document records as you work with files and conduct your board activity.
That's it! Going forward you will be able to find your condo's information when you need it.

Will you be able to migrate our files into managemate?

Yes, we offer a data migration package to help condo boards and their managers organize their condo's existing files that are sitting in online or physical file folders so that they can be accessed in managemate condo management app. Our process involves reviewing your files, arranging to get any physical files scanned digitally, and then organizing the information into project, vendor and document records in managemate. At the end of the data migration process, all your file history will be available in managemate, so you can hit the ground running.

Will I be able to get a copy of my data if I choose to leave?

We will provide you with your project lists, vendor lists and copies of all files you saved in the application in an industry standard data format. Just ask us within 30 days after your subscription has ended, and we will be happy to make a copy of this data for you.

My board needs to get buy-in from the rest of the board…

We offer a 45-day free trial to give you time to explore managemate and share it with others on your board. Our sales team can also provide virtual demonstrations of our software, so you can learn more and ask questions. During your trial, we schedule touch base calls to see how things are going and to answer any questions that come up.

What if my property manager will not want to use it?

Change is never easy. But is the status quo sustainable? Time is precious, but spending a little time upfront to get the information into managemate condo manager software will save time for everyone in the long run. Fewer emails, less waiting for others, quicker decisions - everyone wins.  managemate will reduce the number of other software tools you need. By using managemate, you won’t need spreadsheets to track the status of projects, online file folder systems to store documents, or using email as a to do list.

Get organized. Control costs. Make informed decisions.